Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dear Creative Writing,

Sometimes you're so terribly rewarding that I wonder why I don't spend all day writing.

Hugs & kisses,

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dear Head Cold,

You're underappreciated, so let me take this opportunity to say thank you for attacking me this week. I needed a good excuse to stay in bed for a few days and ignore responsibilities, and you fit the bill. Next week when I'm trying to catch up on everything I didn't do this week, I might not be so cordial, but for now, I view you as a blessing.

Noncontagious hugs & kisses,

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dear Antonio Lotti,

Thank you for this rich, liturgical composition.

Crucifixus pro nobis, et passus, et sepultus est. Laus Deo.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Dear Bank,

I'm sure that from your perspective it makes comPLETE sense to have no easily findable "report a lost or stolen debit card" option on your website or monthly account statements, but for my part, I can't think of a good reason.

Seriously. Card. Missing. How do I tell you?

I suppose I could send an email, but that feels a little too much like this episode from IT Crowd.

Maybe someday you'll make your emergency number easy to locate. Until then, don't allow any debit charges from my account. Please? Somehow?

Hugs & kisses,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dear Creative Writing,

Sometimes you're so aggravatingly impossible that I wonder why I even bother trying.

Hugs & kisses,