Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dear Cat My BFF Convinced Me to Adopt Five Years Ago,

This morning, your plaintive and insistent meowing could have been heard for at least a block around. Pacing across my face, meowing in my ear, all but tearing down the window blinds, and for what? For breakfast that's an hour late?

Which is to say thank you for being obnoxious this morning. With a late night behind me and an alarm clock that decided not to go off this morning, I would have slept through my morning work shift had it not been for you.

And an indirect thanks to my BFF for bringing this cat into my life in the first place. Little did we know how useful she would be beyond her fluffy cuteness and playful disposition.

Hugs & kisses,


  1. Glad she finally did something useful...more than I can say for my dog!

  2. Aww, poor Tessie. She's a good playmate for P and E, though, isn't she?

  3. Yeah, she is. :) I just wish I could teach her to wipe their noses or fold laundry.

  4. Ha! I'm still working on getting L to answer the phone for me. :)
