Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dear Apple,

The reason I got an iPhone in December was for the public transit map information on your Maps app. And now, nine months later, you obliterate it with your own terrible excuse for a Maps app that doesn't even pretend to tell me the bus schedule? Really?

I'm not even kidding: where can I downgrade to the previous iOS so I can actually use the feature I got this phone for in the first place? I have it on good authority that Steve Jobs is ashamed of this whole affair, keeping tabs with his Ways My Company Is Failing Me app from the Great Beyond.

And this is just my personal public transit outcry; I understand that folks who use Maps for driving and other purposes are perhaps less stranded than those of us suddenly left without transit directions, but they're no less outraged at the faulty and downright dumb functionality of this new excuse for a "smart" application.

Okay, okay, barring a downgrade to the previous iOS, where can I get an Android? Yes, Apple. I just went there.

Shame on you,

9:35 update: Upon initial investigation, I'm ready to tentatively say HopStop is a valid replacement, as least for the bus schedules, but I'm not sure what will replace the driving problems. Just one more good reason not to invest in a car.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dear S,

That was AWESOME. All of it was, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Hanging out with you for three whole days in a row for the first time in YEARS.
  • Getting a chance to know your fiancĂ© husband better.
  • Meeting some of your Tennessee friends finally.
  • My shoes somehow (miraculously) not even smelling bad.
  • Partying all day Saturday for the best reason I could ever come up with.
  • Seeing your fiancĂ© husband cry the minute he saw you walking down the aisle.
  • Hearing a random stranger stop his golf cart and exclaim that you're the most beautiful bride he's ever seen.
  • Getting to use a microphone to brag about how awesome you are to a room full of attentive wedding guests.
  • Witnessing two super deserving people vow to be each other's others for the rest of their lives.

It all went by too fast, but I'm so glad I got to be the one standing by your side.

Hugs & kisses,

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dear Weather,

Now that it's September, I think it's time we had a little chat. The thing is, I'm really kind of sick of trying to pick out outfits that look cute that I also don't mind sweating in. This 90° and 100° stuff you've been pulling since June has just got to stop. I don't want to sweat in my sundresses like they're athletic gear, but I don't want to wear ugly workout clothes all the time, either. Let's talk about moderation. Do you know what that means? Now that we're heading into autumn, I think it's a good time for you start practicing moderation in your temperatures and humidity. I think that if we work together on this, we can find a balance we're all happy with.

Hugs & kisses,