Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Past Four Years of a Freelancer's Schedule,

Please don't make the New Job impossible for me to adjust to. I know I've gotten used to waking up, carrying my breakfast to my desk, and working half the day in my pajamas before I bother to brush my teeth. I know I'm used to breaking in the middle of the day to go do my laundry while the 'mat is practically empty or get groceries before the post-5:00 rush. I know I'm used to biking to a coffee shop for a change of scene when I need to jog my brain in a new direction. And even though I know I won't be able to do any of those things anymore at New Job, I'm trusting that your four years of freelancer habits won't completely ruin me on my first day tomorrow.

I'll miss you, freelancer's schedule. Perhaps we'll meet again someday.

Hugs & kisses,


  1. Hope New Job is treating you well! I hear the dress code is pretty relaxed--maybe you can still keep the pajamas :)
