Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dear 70 Pounds of Kitty Litter I Put in my Trunk This Weekend,

I love you. Yesterday my car wanted to fishtail about a million times, I could tell. The roads 5 inches deep in some places and wheels spinning at stop lights, the drive yesterday was unpleasant. But you, along with my other favorite invention the antilock braking system, made my little car act like a northern native out there. Thanks for weighing down the back and making traction when the other FWDs out there made it clear I needed it.

Hugs & kisses,


  1. I thought you were going to say that the liquid laundry detergent and the kitty litter merged inside your trunk. Mom

  2. Ha! No, I took the liquid laundry detergent out and am letting it thaw. :-)
